Internet Use Policy
Internet Policy
Welcome to the Cadillac Wexford County Public Library
In order to access the Internet you must read the following Internet Policy of the Cadillac Wexford Public Library.
The Cadillac Wexford County Public Library, in compliance with Michigan’s PA 455, of 1982, and the
CHILDREN’S INTERNET PROTECTION ACT (Pub. L. 106-554) and acting in good faith, has developed an Internet Policy in accordance with these laws in order to offer the public of all ages safe and legal access to the Internet.
The Cadillac-Wexford County Public Library is open to the public so that they may benefit from the materials, books, magazines, journals, audio, video, maps, databases, therein. The Professional staff has been trained and hired to evaluate and obtain the best materials from among all that are available.
It is not possible to purchase all the materials that are available on the market. The Library provides Internet access as an extension of these resources. Therefore, Internet use is directed to sites that meet the same criteria. Access to obscene matter or sexually explicit matter that is harmful to minors in any
format is not provided.
The Internet offers unlimited global access to all types of information. Not all sources are accurate, complete, current, legal or philosophically acceptable to all people. Some information may be offensive, controversial, illegal, erroneous, etc. It is the responsibility of the user to select or reject online information based on good judgment and discretion. Access is a privilege, not a right, and requires
responsibility on the part of the user.
The content of the materials on the Internet changes rapidly and unpredictably cannot be fully monitor or controlled.
Adults, who are all persons to have reached the age of 18 years, have the use of the public access Internet computers, as per the above stated intended use, and are not permitted to access sites that contain sexually explicit matter that is harmful to minors.
Parents and guardians of minor children must assume responsibility of their children’s use of the Internet just as they must with printed materials or visual materials.
Unacceptable Use
Computing resources may only be used for legal purposes by the public and staff. Examples of unacceptable use include, but are not limited to the following:
1. Uses for any purposes that violate applicable federal, state, or local laws including copyright laws.
2. Interfering with or disrupting other computer users, services, or equipment.
3. Attempting to gain or gaining unauthorized entry to communications sources (hacking).
4. Malicious, threatening, harassing, or obscene behavior or language.
5. Sexual behavior including public display of sexually explicit materials on computer screens or in hard copy.
6. Misrepresentation of oneself or the computing center.
7. Activities that could cause congestion and disruption of networks and systems.
8. Unsolicited advertising.
9. To access, upload, download, transmit or distribute pornographic, obscene, or sexually explicit language or material.
1. Parents are cautioned to monitor their minor children's use of the Internet.
2. Users are cautioned to guard closely the security of personal information, credit card numbers, computer accounts, passwords, and other types of authorizations when using the Internet.
3. Users are cautioned to take steps to protect their systems from computer viruses and other destructive computer programs when downloading programs to disk for use on other computers.
4. Electronic files should not be considered confidential. When required by law, the library must disclose all files to the extent required by law.
5. The library is not liable for any direct or indirect and/or punitive damages (including lost data or information) sustained or incurred in connection with the use or unavailability of the system.
Violation of Acceptable Use Policy
Violation of any part of the acceptable use policy will be handled under these terms:
1st violation: verbal warning with a note on on their patron accounts
This policy, which has been approved by the Board of Trustees, will be reviewed annually.
Internet and Computer Use Procedures
• Use of the Internet stations is on a first-come, first-served basis.
• Time limits are set so all patrons seeking access will have an opportunity to do so
• A patron is allowed up to 1 hour per day of Internet use via desktop computers or Laptops with the option for an additional hour if computers are available for this extra usage
• If there are Library fees totaling more than $5.00, there will be no Internet privileges until the fines are paid in full, material(s) returned or compensation is offered for the lost material(s).
Applying for an Internet Only Access card:
1. The library will issue Internet Only Access card to patrons who wish to use the library computers on a regular basis. Patrons do not have to be residents or property owners in Wexford County to apply for the Internet Only Access card.
2. A person must be 18 years old or have a signed parent or guardians (see MCL 700.5204) permission slip on file. They must present a valid picture ID to verify if they are at least older than 18.(MCL 397.606 Section 6)
Replacement Cards:
If a patron has lost a library card, they can get a new card for a replacement cost of $1.00.
All printing requests go to the Internet printers (located in center work station). Patrons must have money on their card before any requests will print. Black and white copies are $.10 and color copies are $.25 a page.
Teen Computers
The same guidelines apply as Internet computers.
Patrons must have a current picture ID (Student, Michigan Identification, Michigan Drivers License) and a Cadillac Wexford Public Library card.
Laptops are checked out to patron but must stay in the library. The patron’s ID is kept in place of the laptop.
Guest Pass
Guest passes will give the patron 60 minutes for the day. Same login guidelines apply as getting an Internet Only Access Card. A patron receives only one visitor pass per day. For patrons under 18, there must be parent permission on file.
Updated 5/24