Board Minutes
The Library Board of Trustees meeting minutes.
CWPL Director Job Description.pdf
Description for the director job.
Full FIOA information
The full FIOA information.
COVID-19 Talking_with_kids_about_COVID_FINAL_684649_7.pdf
Discussing the current situation COVID-19 with children
Summer Reading
all the files for summer reading
Clerk Application.pdf
Application to apply for employment at the Cadillac Wexford public Library or branch.
Instructions for getting library books for your Kindle.
Libby for Mobile Devices.pdf
Instructions for getting the Libby app on your device and borrowing books from the library.
Information Desk Assistant Job Description.pdf
Full job description for the information desk assistant job
Manton poetry form.pdf
Form for entering the Manton poetry contest.
Mesick poetry form.docx
Mesick poetry form.docx.pdf