Sign up for the library's monthly newsletter! Inside you'll find all ages programming, new books, library news and more.

Cadillac Library's Monthly Newsletter:


Ages 16+. Challenge yourself to read 52 books in 52 weeks! No need to read the list in order - jump around and find what works for you. Follow the library on social media for weekly videos. We'll highlight our favorite books and give you ideas for each prompt. Turn this sheet in with at least one prompt filled out by the end of 2025 for chance to win a prize! Complete the challenge to be entered into a Kindle drawing. Not enough time to complete this year? No worries - read just one book to be eligible for all sorts of bookish prizes at our 52 Party in January 2026. Happy reading!

2025 Reading Challenge:
52 in 2025 Reading Challenge sheet


Sign up and receive a personalized bag of bookish fun! Each bag will contain the minimum of 2-3 library books, a bookmark (or other bookish fun), library programming highlights, snack, and more.

How to sign up & receive your Book Bag: 

1. Fill out a Book Bag form HERE. Sign up by the 13th of the month to receive a bag.

You only have to fill out this form once every 3 or 6 months, depending on which subscription length you choose: 

  • Now through May 2025 (3 month subscription)
  • Now through August 2025 (6 month subscription)

2. Pick up your Book Bag after 3pm on the 15th of the month
(you'll have 14 days to pick up your bag). Enjoy!

3. Review the books you've received for a chance to win a gift card to Horizon Books! Review your books HERE.


Meets on the first Tuesday of every month, at the library at 5:30pm, unless otherwise noted

At each event the Cadillac Wexford Public Library will highlight a different community member or business - local professionals, hobbyists, and enthusiasts of all kinds. We're inviting you to come and listen to a member of the surrounding area share what they are passionate about! These are free events.

Jan. 07 - Starting the New Year with Emotional Balance
Abbi Mankiewicz, LMSW, CAADC, EMDR

Feb. 04 - Foundations of Great Coffee
Aaron & Jin Fekete

Mar. 04 - Get Your Gardens Started 
Mary Galvanek & Emily Miller

Apr. 01, 5:00pm - A Sweet History - A Delicious Future
Caitlin Nickel 

May 06 - Unearthing Your Roots: Researching Your Family Tree
Amy Norton

Jun. 03 - Thinking Outside the Lens: Looking at Photography Differently
Anthony SlaughterHawk

Click HERE for a PDF flyer of events


Meets on the second Tuesday of every month, at the library at 6pm

Local historian and Wexford County Historical Society board member Richard Shults will have five presentations about Cadillac, Michigan history. All events are free to attend and are held at the Cadillac Wexford Public Library.

Jan. 14 - The Father of Cadillac: George Mitchell

Feb. 11 - The Theaters and Opera Houses of Cadillac

March 11 - History of Cadillac in Pictures

April 8 - The County Seat War

May 13 - Cadillac Miscellaneous

June 6 - KISS in Cadillac


Meets two Thursdays a month from 5pm to 6:45pm

December 12th
January 9th & 23rd
February 13th & 27th

Are you looking for a friendly group of people to encourage and improve your writing skills? Join us and be inspired to reach your writing goals.

teen events

childrens events

Programming at the Manton Public Library

Mesick children's programs button

Ebooks & Online Resources

Up North Digital

Hoopla digital media

World Foods

Transparent Language

Financial Information Database

Michigan eLibrary

Michigan's 24/7 Library

Thousands of full text magazines and newspapers available at no charge.
Michigan Activity Pass

 Michigan Activity Pass balloon logo
Free or discounted passes to state parks, campgrounds, museums,
art exhibits, farms, gardens, lighthouses, music, theaters, historic sites,
recreation areas, & more!

SEARCH all across Michigan for fun activities!
PRINT out special deal passes from your library!