Free Movies @ the Library
Movie: Doctor Strange rated PG-13 with a run time of 1 hour 55 minutes.
- Free Movies @ the Library
- 2017-03-16T17:30:00-04:00
- 2017-03-16T19:30:00-04:00
- Movie: Doctor Strange rated PG-13 with a run time of 1 hour 55 minutes.
- When Mar 16, 2017 from 05:30 PM to 07:30 PM (US/Eastern / UTC-400)
- Where Cadillac Community Room
- Contact Phone 231-775-6541
- Attendees Bring a snack and beverage and enjoy the show.
- Add event to calendar iCal
Marvel's "Doctor Strange" follows the story of the talented neurosurgeon Doctor Stephen Strange who, after a tragic car accident, must put ego aside and learn the secrets of a hidden world of mysticism and alternate dimensions. Based in New York City's Greenwich Village, Doctor Strange must act as an intermediary between the real world and what lies beyond, utilising a vast array of metaphysical abilities and artifacts to protect the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Written by Marvel